Connecting with your higher self.

When you want to listen to a particular radio station, you tune your radio to that station, tuning in to a particular frequency. Same when you want to watch a particular show on TV. It is the frequency you tune into that determines what you hear and what you see.

Our brains operate in very much the same way. We have many stations we can tune into because we are made up of many parts. On the one hand, we have parts that have been conditioned to believe certain things about who we are, what we want, and how we should behave based on social and cultural expectations. These parts are the ones which contain all our limiting beliefs that create fear and hold us back. These parts are what some would call our wounded self, our false self – the protected self we learned to be as we were growing up and needed to find ways to have control over getting love, avoiding pain, and feeling safe. These wounded parts originate in early childhood experiences, traumatic or not. These parts that hold us back operate on old information that we acquired as we were growing up, information that is no longer relevant or even true. These parts are not open to new information or truth, unless we acknowledge them and try to understand them. That is where the part we call ‘The Higher Self’ comes in. The Higher-Self is the part that taps into Ancestral Knowledge – information that is beyond the conditioned, wounded mind. Our Higher-Self part taps into the Source of truth that is always here to guide us in our highest good. The Higher-Self is also the unwounded self. Tapping into this part can be a challenge if you’ve never examined your childhood experiences or explored your social and cultural conditioning, which I call the storm. The less you have explored your storm the more clouded your higher-self will become.

How do you tune your frequency to your higher-self?

We have all been given a “dial” that either tunes us to the low frequency of our wounded parts, or to the high frequency of our Higher-Self part. This dial is our INTENT.

Typically, we find ourselves in one of these two frequencies of intent:

  • The intent to get love and avoid pain with some form of control (wounded).

  • The intent to learn about loving ourselves and others (higher-self).

The intent to have control over getting love and avoiding pain lowers our frequency and keeps us stuck in our limited mind, our wounded mind. When we find ourselves in this intent/frequency, we are stuck thinking the thoughts, the lies, and taking the unloving actions that create fear, anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, stress, anger, jealousy, resentment, and so on. When we find ourselves in this wounded frequency we are also given the opportunity to heal our wounded parts. 

At any moment, we can change our minds and choose the intent to learn about loving ourselves. We can choose to learn about our wounded parts rather than stay stuck in them. The moment we choose the intent to learn about our wounded parts and how to love them, care for them, and understand them, we raise our frequency and are able to access the higher-self. 

Acknowledging your wounded self inevitably connects you with your higher self. 


Emotional Pain